I Chose My Scars, Not My Wounds



        My left wrist holds the only remaining visible signs of my eating disorder. A patch of abstract light pink lines. Self-harm scars. Physical marks of the battle I fought with anorexia.

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I Didn’t Take a Year Off and Neither Should You



My recovery required that I stop doing two of the things I loved most. I couldn’t go to school and I couldn’t do any cardio activities. I was pissed. I was angry and sorry for myself and I couldn’t understand why those two things had to be taken from me.

I remember thinking, “How will I survive quitting running and school? How can I ever be successful?”

Continue reading “I Didn’t Take a Year Off and Neither Should You”

You WILL Screw Up


This semester has been a challenge for me academically. I have had to start two additional blogs for my already writing heavy classes and regularly post content to them– which is honestly why I have not posted here lately #oops.

I love it. I know that I am learning a lot.

Yet I still sometimes cry my eyes out at 1 a.m. in frustration at all of the work I have to do.

Why? Because learning freaking hurts. 

Continue reading “You WILL Screw Up”